Thursday, May 31, 2012

Explorers & Adventurers Project

Isaac Knight

My report:

Here is a fun cartoon to watch too:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Australian Animal Fact File


Koalas are marsupials; newborn koalas—called joeys—continue to develop in their mothers' pouches.

People used to hunt koalas for their fur. Now strict laws protect them from hunters, but their habitat is not protected, and it is disappearing as land is developed.

More than four-fifths of original koala habitat has been destroyed. People are trying to save what is left.
Koalas spend as many as 18 hours a day napping and resting.

The word koala may come from an Aboriginal word meaning no drink.

Thousands of koalas are killed each year by cars and dogs.
They are not bears.

Koalas are found in the wild only in the forests of eastern

Koalas have their own built-in cushion! The fur on a koala's
bottom is extra thick
so that the koala can comfortably rest in trees.

Fossils of 12 different extinct species of koala have been found. These extinct koalas were much larger than the ones today. They were like giant koalas!